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The Most Genius Barcode Designs

Nowadays one does not buy anything without a barcode. They have become so common and frequent that we do not even notice it anymore.
Its too important things but in our country people are not conscious about barcode, some people does not know what is the use of barcode, and why company provide. 

very creative barcode around the world. 
1. These Spaghetti Have A Pretty Clever Barcode
These Spaghetti Have A Pretty Clever Barcode
2. Children Book about Thunderstorm 

Barcode On The Back Of A Children's Book About Thunderstorms

3. Barcode on shaving Cream 
The Barcode On My Shaving Cream

4. Black Prairie 
Accordion - Black Prairie Album
5. Root of the Tree 
The Roots Of The Tree Are The Barcode

6. Waiter Carrying Plates 
A Waiter Carrying A Stack Of Plates 
7. Grass 
Organic Wheatgrass
8. Barcode on House 
This Barcode

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